Category : Prop’s log

Laser scalpel Prop’s log

What is it:The laser scalpel was a specialized medical instrument used for creating incisions in various tissues. Usage:This type of scalpel was considered standard equipment used by Starfleet medical personnel. This device was available in different wavelengths for varied cutting strength and d...

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Ferengi phaser Prop’s log

What is it:This was a type of phaser classified as a plasma weapon. It could fire a plasma beam (one of the four fundamental states of matter). Usage:This type of phaser was considered a standard-issue hand weapon used by military personnel in the Ferengi Alliance. It could also be found among m...

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DIRECTED BYlorem vestibulum
WRITTEN BYFusce pulvina & Nam cursus

FILMSTUDIONAME PRESENTSAN Fusce suscipit PRODUCTIONA laoreet a PICTURE lobortis neque CASTINGBY risus vulputate COSTUMESBY enim leo PRODUCTIONDESIGNER libero tortor DIRECTOROFPHOTOGRAPHY gravida tellus MUSICBY endrerit sagittis EDITEDBY Maecenas dictum EXECUTIVEPRODUCER tincidunt lobortis PRODUCEDBY Cras pellente STORYBY vitae pelle SCREENPLAYBY Duis accumsan WRITERDIRECTEDBY Nam purus