
Diana’s Personal log

Who are you?

My name is Diana. I am 39 years old



Why do you consider yourself a Star Trek fan?
I consider myself a Star Trek fan because I remember growing up watching The Next Generation. It made me think a lot about many aspects of history, philosophy and culture. It also taught me a lot of English. I think it shaped me as a good person and I am grateful for that.
Also I was a volunteer for the Dutch fanclub for several years and I have a Vulcan IDIC tattoo.


Which Star Trek series do you like most and why?

The Next Generation taught me much about humanity. But I also adore the long overdue diversity in modern Trek.
Did you ever met one of the actors from your favorite series?

I once was in the audience at a Q&A with John DeLancie.

What was the last Star Trek related gift you gave someone and why?

Signed up my brother for a live GalaxyCon stream with William Shatner and Marina Sirtis.


Ever received a Star Trek gift yourself?

Well, I bought myself a USS Enterprise doormat for my new home recently.

If you could live in the Star Trek universe what would you be/do?

I don’t think I would be in Starfleet, but I think I would like to work for the United Federation of Planets. Because although  it’s ideals are tough to uphold in a diverse universe but of great importance. Perhaps a diplomatic position.



If you come to the annual Sector 31 meeting, what do you hope to find there? |

I have not yet been to one yet . But active, immersive Trek things are nice. Like the Orion dance.

If you had one wish for mankind what would it be?

I wish we would get our heads out of our collective asses and finally stop repeating history over and over again. Evolve as entire humanity to a state in which the love for others and celebrating our differences is paramount.


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