Harrie’s Personal log
Who are you?
The name is Harrie Oosterwaal, 33, systems engineer at SAP Concur, living in North Brabant. I am mostly working from home at the moment but normally I travel a lot between Amsterdam and Paris, giving me loads of time to watch and rewatch my favorite shows.

Why do you consider yourself a Star Trek fan?
I have watched and rewatched every show and movie of Star Trek and keep tabs on anything new coming out. I am one of those “Have to watch it all” kind of fans who absolutely loves watching it and won’t give in to any negativity, even though there are parts I don’t particularly like. I can still enjoy it all. It started with TNG, which will always be one of my favorites next to VOY. I used to watch them together with my dad as they came out on TV and was hooked from the get go. Love it when stories twist and turn, are unexpected and philosophical. Which is what I came to expect from Star Trek.
Which actor in TNG do you like best?
My favorite would have to be Brent Spiner, his way of portraying Data is absolutely phenomenal. His, not “quite right” sarcastic remarks fueled my sarcasm. Not exactly of course, he just states what pops up in his mind in a bland fashion. Androids always fascinated me. My favorite moment would have to be the first meeting, the whistling. And of course his coping with wanting to be a human being.
Did you ever meet this actor?
I have not yet have the pleasure of meeting him, the only star trek actor I did get to meet was Dwight Schultz, who portrayed Lt. Barclay (Broccoli). Which I have known for more than just that role, of course. But I would still love to meet so many of the Star Trek actors though.
Which Star Trek series do you like most and why?
Currently, I am absolutely in love with Picard, it’s a new, fresh and shiny story that I could really lose myself in, I have followed it as it came out. But TNG and VOY will always hold a special place for me as that’s where I started with Star Trek.
“life isn’t always going to be easy.“
Picard is something different. Telling a story beyond what we saw in Voyager. And as with most Star Trek, it is again a true “sign of the times” as it shows the current mind set. A bit darker than before, but even in that universe, it fits, as life isn’t always going to be easy.
What was the last Star Trek related gift you gave someone and why?
I am not sure, it might have been a Borg Cube/Star Trek Adventures thing.To my ex as she really liked the game and wanted to have that.
Do you also play Star Trek Adventure games yourself?
I used to , still have my character sheets. But then real life happened, giving me less time to actually join the rest for games as much as I’d like to. Hope to pick it up again though. Because that was absolutely awesome, I think I didn’t join in anymore when we were only halfway through a story or something. So I might have to read up on everything.
If you could live in the Star Trek universe what would you be/do?
I would be as I am now, a systems engineer, working to make sure everything keeps going and troubleshooting when needed. It’s what I’ve always imagined myself doing in Star Trek, working with LaForge or B’ELanna, to keep the ship from falling apart, even though others are doing their absolute best to push the limits. (Lookin’ at you Paris!)
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