
Jeroen’s Personal log

Who are you?

My name is Jeroen Romarius.

Why do you consider yourself a Star Trek fan?

It’s a world I could definitely live in, want to live in. I’ve started watching TOS reruns as a kid and got really hooked when TNG started. It never let me go since.

Which Star Trek series do you like most and why?

Deep Space Nine is my absolute favorite. It’s a cross between TOS, TNG and VOY, and because it’s on a station it not only feels like home pretty soon, it gives many characters way more depth than the other shows. The show really evolves over its 7 years and tackles some issues that inspired me greatly.

Did you ever met one of the actors from your favorite series?

Yes, I’ve met many Trek actors by now. That was a childhood wish come true. All of the actors and their characters had meaning to me, and some stood really out. Literally changing my life and I wanted to say thanks to them in person for that.  I got that chance with most.

What was the last Star Trek related gift you gave someone and why?

I love padds, I 3D printed a bunch of Starfleet padds and made a couple of them for a good friend of mine.

Did you ever get a Star Trek related gift yourself?

Yes, and I love getting them. Not just because it’s Trek related , but more so that someone took the time and effort to put a little smile on your face.

If you could live in the Star Trek universe what would you be or do?

I’d be happy with any job in Starfleet. There are a few that hold my interest, and they are quite different from each other. I would love to be some kind of supervisor on the flightdeck. Taking care of the shuttles coming and going. Also the medical/science field would be nice . But if I had only one choice, it would be to start off as con officer, and then work my way up to the big chair.

If you come to the annual Sector 31 meeting, what do you hope to find there?

Thom and I are the founders of Sector 31, so what I hope to see at the meetings are a lot of Star Trek fans from all over the country and beyond, in their Trek costumes, having a smile on their faces. Enjoying a day full of Trek with fellow fans.

If you had one whish for mankind, what would that be?

To gather our strength, willpower, determination, creativity, love, and all that makes us human . Solve the real problems in this world and start working together to truely reach those stars.


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