
Kenny’s Personal log

Who are you?
Hello, my name is Kenny Ambroos aka Cosmopoly Props.

You say Cosmopoly Props, do you make Star Trek related props?
I built props from when I was very little, they didn’t look accurate at all but for me as a child I loved it. When I started to build actual props I always felt more comfortable with Star Trek props. Just how they were built and looked, and therefore my passion for prop building lies with Star Trek. Since there is a lot of Trek coming, plenty of props to choose from  ?

Why do you consider yourself a Star Trek fan?
Because it was there all my life. I think it shaped me in the way I am today, and of course the stories, the lore. The whole Star Trek universe appeals to me. A non-dystopian future for us to achieve I guess.

Which Star Trek series do you like most and why?
I like TNG the most, but in the winter months I prefer DS9 more, TNG has this hypnotic design which I like, but DS9 has more grittiness to it, and it feels best in the darker months. I rewatch voyager as well but more sporadic, I have also watched TOS, but I liked the movies more.

What was the last Star Trek related gift you gave someone and why?
Funny as it may seem but I recently gave a TNG comm-badge as a gift as a small token of appreciation.

You gave someone a TNG badge, was it one that you made?
Yes it did happen to be one of mine, the real last official thing I bought as a gift was a tribble for my girlfriend but the cat claimed it ?

If you could live in the Star Trek universe what would you be/do?
If I really would be living in the Star Trek universe, I think I would be a regular civilian enjoying the peace, travel around the stars. Most people would say a Starfleet career, but I don’t like to end up like a redshirt .

If you had one wish for mankind, what would that be? There are many things to wish for and it’s hard to pick one, but it would be nice if we could cure most ,if not all, diseases that still are not curable today.

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