Olga’s Personal log
Who are you? My name is Olga Kok and I am a 39 year old mom and nurse

Why do you consider yourself a Star Trek fan?
Because I adore the story lines and the diversity. I have been watching since I was a child as my step-father was a huge fan of star trek and even looks a lot like Picard.
“I absolutely love Kirk..”

Which Star Trek series do you like most and why?
Tos, I absolutely love captain Kirk and the whole aesthetic of that show. The dresses the vintage vibe. All of it. But close second comes Enterprise don’t know why but it somehow attracts me more than the others
On you cosplay photos we see you in a TOS outfit. Do you also own other uniforms? Yes I do, I own several. I have one from enterprise and I also cosplay doctor Beverly Crusher from the next generation.

What was the last Star Trek related gift you gave someone and why? I don’t give away star trek stuff, I want to keep it all!
Okay, so you don’t give it away. What was the last gift that you received? I got a watercolor drawing of captain Kirk from my best friend.

If you could live in the Star Trek universe what would you be/do? The wife captain Kirk and also be a doctor.
You know Kirk is married to the Enterprise. Isn’t that a problem for you?
No not a problem at all. I love my job as well, so I guess we could figure something out, I am sure of that 🙂
If you had one wish for mankind, what would that be? I wish we just all could live in harmony.
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