Tag : Beyond the Veil – Pt. 5

Star Trek: Isoroku

Beyond the Veil, Pt. 5 "What do you mean no longer in the cockpit? You mean we pulled her out in time?" The Captain couldn't believe what he heard, he hoped that he had simply misunderstood the Ops officer. There was an uncomfortable silence that lingered for a bit too long on the bridge. ...

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DIRECTED BYlorem vestibulum
WRITTEN BYFusce pulvina & Nam cursus

FILMSTUDIONAME PRESENTSAN Fusce suscipit PRODUCTIONA laoreet a PICTURE lobortis neque CASTINGBY risus vulputate COSTUMESBY enim leo PRODUCTIONDESIGNER libero tortor DIRECTOROFPHOTOGRAPHY gravida tellus MUSICBY endrerit sagittis EDITEDBY Maecenas dictum EXECUTIVEPRODUCER tincidunt lobortis PRODUCEDBY Cras pellente STORYBY vitae pelle SCREENPLAYBY Duis accumsan WRITERDIRECTEDBY Nam purus