Tricorder Prop’s log
What is it:
The tricorder is a hand-held device used for data sensing, analysing and recording. With its specialized abilities, it makes it an asset to Starfleet crew onboard starships, space stations and even on away missions.
The name itself is short for “Tri-function recorder“.
There are various types of Tricorders, all with their specific sensors useful for the different focus areas.
Tricorders were often useful for recording entries in personal or official logs. Because of there sizes, weight and many sensors, the various types were extremely useful on remote locations.
That’s why both Science personal and communications officers would often make use of them on strange new worlds.
Former designs:
During the years the appearance changed but the functions would basically stay the same. From the bulky tricorders during the 2230s (Enterprise series) to the sleek version in the 2800s (Voyager), they succeeded in putting the same functionalities into smaller models over time.
Discovery Tricorder TOS tricorder The Motionpicture Tricorder Tricorders from TNG, VOY and DS9
Used materials:
The first Tricorders (TOS) were made out of aluminium parts, black plastic, leather (for the belt) and even a clock (to let the moiré pattern spin). The versions that followed were mainly made out of resin with led lights and stickers.
The materials used for the TOS tricorder A TNG MARK VII tricorder in the making
Some types of Tricorders (the toy’s) are still available on Amazon and in shops. Prop builders still build the replicas and sell them on etsy and Ebay. Prices range from €65 (toys) to €300 (replica’s with sound, lights and even a working display).
You can take a closer look at some of the different types of Tricorders during one of the Sector 31 meetings.
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