
Combadge prop log

What is it?

A small personnel communications device integrated into an insignia badge.


Starfleet first began using combadges in the late 23rd century . Communication technology had advanced to the point that Starfleet was able to build a communication device into the uniform’s insignia pin.

This device, aptly named “combadge”, quickly replaced the standard communicators as a means of communication.

Members of the secretive  Section 31 were to be among the first to utilize this technology. Worn on an individual’s left breast by officers, enlisted personnel, Academy cadets, and other personnel attached to Starfleet. .

Combadges are primarily used for communications from individuals to other persons, starships, planetary locations and anywhere else within the range of the device. Secondary functions are a locator device for transporters and an integrated universal translator.



The combadge  is one first props widely available, and they are immensely popular to date.  You can find them in all sizes shapes and materials . Paper mache, wood , metal , plastic,  even glass … you name it. The newest models are near professional replicas in resin and or fiberglass.  The more luxurious ones are in metal and available all over the internet. And the prices range from a couple of Euros to  hundreds, maybe more for custom made jewelry.   As cosplay grew so grew the popularity of the combadge. Almost Tribble like the amount and variety of combadges keeps growing  Not only in the cosplay community and the fandom, but also in the new Star Trek movies and spin offs .



I’d like to take a better look at the combadges used in Star Trek Picard season one. They are some of the more intricate and special badges I’ve seen in a while.

These badges are just stunning. The prop-masters of this show have really outdone themselves.  The materials used are much lighter and look much better than any of the previous shows . Maybe not as practical, I grant you that ,but much more …..ornamental. In the first few scenes we can see some familiar badges we have seen  in TNG and also VOY  but they look, in my opinion,  better than their counterparts. It’s a slightly modified design , sturdy and polished.  I’m not entirely sure that the visitor-badge which J.L. wares, when he visits  Starfleet headquarters ,qualifies as a real combadge but it looks kinda cool.  The uniform badges seems to  come in different materials and colors probably according to rank and unit.

My personal favorite is the badge from the ship “la Sirena”. It looks graceful and intricate, almost like a brooch. It also looks quite a bit smaller.

To each his own, and whether you like the new series or not, these new combadges look pretty awesome.

Coments 2

  • Shannon Still

    Shannon to Enterprise. One to beam up.

  • Shannon Still

    This is cool so so cool.

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