
Jonathan Lond’s extra log

Because of the holiday’s we give you this extra interview. Have fun reading it!

Who are you?
I am Jonathan Kevin Lond, a British citizen living in Osnabrück Germany. I am 53 years old, I’m divorced and I have three children, my oldest son born in 1996 is James Tiberius, tells you everything I think. 

Do your children also like to watch Star Trek?
Yes but only Discovery 

Why do you consider yourself a Star Trek fan?
I’m organizing the Osnabrück Trek Dinner and the Star Warrior Con 2020 Convention. My mom, who left this year after a serious illness, brought me closer to Scifi. We were together watching Captain Kirk and his crew on TV. Last year, after 50 years, I was allowed to fulfil a dream, a picture with Mr Shatner. He was very friendly and said goodbye saying my name, which is delusional for a real fan. 

What is Star Warrior Con 2020 about and where can we find more information?
It is a Charity Convention Against bullying. You can find information here: and Facebook.

Which Star Trek series do you like most and why?
TOS, I am a Great Fan from William Shatner.

What was the last Star Trek related gift you gave someone and why?
A Picture from me and Mr. Shatner

If you could live in the Star Trek universe what would you be/do?
If I could choose where I want to live, it would actually be the Earth, in my homeland of England. I guess I’d be human and live in the country and have a home office, nothing exciting. 

If you had one wish for mankind, what would that be?
Peace and a live without fear.

Wish to read more interviews from other trekkies? Please visit our News page!

Coments 1

  • Geert de Waard

    Nice to see that even people from Germany are present! Nice article.

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